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Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Join Kayla as she guides a Sacred Cacao Ceremony! Cacao is considered a plant medicine and has been used in ceremony since the Mayan times. The plant was revered for its ability to drop one into their own heart and experience a deep sense of love and compassion.

It is no coincidence that cacao has amazing health benefits as well. Cacao contains amazing minerals such as magnesium, iron, and potassium to name a few. Cacao is also rich in vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, and B3. The plant is high in antioxidants, increases your HDL (good) cholesterol, and reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol making it actual heart medicine!

The night will include cacao, intention setting, a guided meditation journey, and breathwork. Kayla received her cacao facilitation certification through Embue Cacao. She uses the highest quality, organic, ethically sourced, ceremonial grade, cacao. The cacao is made and served with reverence, intention, and love.

Suggested Donation: $25